1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
| from Crypto.Util.number import * import gmpy2
def small_roots(f, bound,r,s,N,m): ''' small private d RSA with moduli N=p^r*q^s,that d < 1-(3*r+s)/(r+s)^2 - eps the eps is ((15*s+1)*r^4-(2*s^2-10*s)*r^3-(s^3-6*s^2+8*s)*r^2+(2*s^3-12*s^2+6*s)*r+s^4-4*s^3+s^2) /(4*m*(r-s)*(r+s)^3) in theory,by this we can choose the proper m which is lower than theory. return : one factor of N.you can factor N by this for example: p,q : 256 r,s : 5,3 d : 1300,m = 9 d : 1350,m = 14 d : 1360,m = 20 d : 1370,m = 30 d > 1370,m = 40 # spend long time to do this(2800s) you can choose the larger m to approach the theory solution ''' t1 = int((r*(r+s-2))/((r-1)*(r+s))*m) t2 = m bounds = [bound ,1] f = f.change_ring(ZZ) G = Sequence([], f.parent()) x = f.variables()[0] for k in range(t2+1): for i in range(t2+1-k): d=max([0,ceil((r-1)*(t1-k)/r),ceil((s-1)*(t2-k)/s)]) base=N ^ d * f ^ k * x ^ i G.append(base) B, monomials = G.coefficient_matrix() monomials = vector(monomials) factors = [monomial(*bounds) for monomial in monomials] for i, factor in enumerate(factors): B.rescale_col(i, factor) B = B.dense_matrix().LLL() # B = flatter(B) ''' another question is can't use flatter because flatter not support the matrix that its row far greater than its cols ''' B = B.change_ring(QQ) for i, factor in enumerate(factors): B.rescale_col(i, 1 / factor) H = Sequence([], f.parent().change_ring(QQ)) for h in filter(None, B * monomials): for i in h.coefficients(): if gcd(i,N)!=1 and gcd(i,N)!=N: return gcd(h.coefficients()[0],N) return 0
c = 6027704939934795526809476320408984749353451163184148193613218899917989403800738729505135647560822568147775955030636790796412038749080589962404088890138 N = 2345049742327685796181532105032554795628696111708534285951012187089560814230641663133312117797131139088986342455315166062482479446527815702735474197358418746066993291802284464812612727625991647573889402281825863578807474887341632160586307943897790827019291411639756252138594856687013363652094621849674259604512491449809337670874218320926522274379234396955495643125680407916326561528774056618181536326260093822819468635513422755218190798616168156924793527386350080400722536575372660262573683231490166520738579903818495107264328324326819989553511070207494208500239603511665056894947107356065440333537271115434438827753 e = 1560967245790387854530279132085915310737094193704812456970549221459036227794862560384548159924112528879771688534015861357630951162558357151823378870345945435342412220708167081427844035498174919749839232806280901968067512188264340755833308035745702731211924571583963089915893479992177245815565483658484702813753029786985027579475059989141119719224961817402605977566829967197490932672021566512826377376988752959467389833419735737545201988916590880487156074463948048461415870071893002222885078350961871888123567241990517365430474025391208925638731208820904957752596249597885523540692851123131898267246576902438472358221 r,s= 5,3 edge = 1380
if(0): a= -int(inverse(e,N)) %N PR.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N)) f=a-x m=40 res=small_roots(f, 2^edge,r,s,N,m) print(res) #3880841886154333953773650424963616396441043690868788265611642694520916610789745536631157643368280831495777902173955747450998897753151868119085453880516169
q= gmpy2.iroot(int(res),2)[0] p=int(gmpy2.iroot(N//q^3,5)[0]) assert N==p^5*q^3
p1 = gmpy2.next_prime(p) q1 = gmpy2.next_prime(q) d=inverse(65537,(p1-1)*(q1-1)) print(long_to_bytes(ZZ(pow(c,d,p1*q1))))